Wang Huming: Capturing the Spirit of Lunar New Year in Art
January 31, 2024

As well as being the Chief Art Consultant of China Post, Wang Huming is the world renowned artist behind all nine issues of Jersey Post’s Lunar New Year series as well as a collaboration with Martin Mörck for Jersey Post’s Links with China issues. The stamps team caught up with Wang after the issue of our most recent Lunar New Year: The Year of the Dragon issue to learn a little more about the man behind the art.
From a very young age, Wang loved drawing, feeling as if it was written into his DNA and ‘never doubted that he would be an artist’. During middle school, he would participate in an art club, as well as the City Youth’s Palace in order to learn and refine his drawing and painting technique. He went on to attend one of the best art academies in China majoring as a graphic designer.
Asking if there’s a particular subject he enjoys illustrating, Wang said, “I’m a curious and inquisitive person, who always finds the world so interesting. I love to work on the themes of traditional culture, modern technology and animals that are full of spirituality”.
When it comes to what made Wang interested in using his artistic talents for stamps, he said that it was his mentor Mr. Shao Bolin, who led him into the magical world of stamps and understanding their unique charm. Mr. Shao Bolin was one of the most famous Chinese stamp designers, who created the artwork behind one of the most world-famous stamps the d-red Monkey, based on Mr. Huang Yongu’s drawing.
In terms of Wang’s own advice he would pass on to the aspiring artist, he says, “Remain true to the original aspiration, keeping your own dreams and pursuits, and choosing what you really enjoy”. A quote he’s gone by in life is “Follow your heart and enjoy every scenery”.
The Lunar New Year is traditionally celebrated on the first day of the lunar month and continues until the fifteenth when the moon is at its brightest. Each year is represented by one of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals, with 2024 featuring the dragon. Wang Huming has illustrated nine of the zodiac animals issued to date as part of this series, including the monkey, rooster, dog, rat, ox, tiger, rabbit and dragon, with each animal representing joy, and good fortune and conveying good blessings.
Wang commented on his relationship with the team at Jersey Post “It’s really nice to work with Jersey Post. They have full respect for the artists and give them the space and freedom that they need for creative work”. And when it comes to how he’s looking forward to celebrating the Lunar New Year, he said: “I will send my design of the Year of the Dragon stamps, and wish good luck to all my friends. Wishing everyone a happy New Year and good luck in the year of the dragon!”.
‘Lunar New Year: Year of the Dragon’ was issued on Thursday 4th January 2024 and is available online and from local Jersey Post Offices, Rue De Pres and Broad Street.
Browse the available selection of Lunar New Year stamp issues.